Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Bond

There is something that forms between teammates that no one can really understand completely. It is formed in-season during those grueling workouts or in those tough races but, it is seen whenever times get tough. For example, right before the last repeat, or right after a tough loss. It also helps in the summer during those long runs that no one wants to be one. To look at that person in the eye, you can just feel what they expect from you. The expectation? You may ask, "if they have such a close bond, why should there be expectations?" Really though, the answer is simple. When you have that bond you expect the person to stick with you. To suck it up on the days when they feel the weakest, and the surprising thing is that they do. And the reason for it? They know that you will do the same for them. It's amazing to see how strong these bonds can get and how they can make you react. I believe that there is no bond stronger than one formed between teammates, nothing, not even the word impossible can come and break it. Cause if a bond this strong believes that it can be done, then whatever is in the way better step aside, because believe me. It will get done.

Zac Wiemers
email -

My Run

In these dark lonely streets,
Avoiding this restless wind,
Fighting that endless hill,
Is where you will find me.
To myself.
About what could be,
Will be,
Or has been.
Reliving times that have long passed.
Longing for times that are yet to be.
Wanting to retry that one thing,
That i did that one time.
Cause i know,
I can do better.
I really do believe,
That is why I'm out here.
Doing what I'm doing.
So that I might,
Will win,
At the next chance I see.
But until that time,
You will find me here.
On these dark lonely streets,
Avoiding this restless wind.
Fighting that endless hill,
Just dreaming,
Just wanting,
Just longing,
Just Running.

Zac Wiemers
email -

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Will To Prepare...

“It's not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference.” - Bear Bryant

One thing that I have always found very difficult is off-season training. To wake up every morning bright and early to go run nine miles does not sound to intriguing to the normal person. As you all know it can be hard to double not your shoes and take off out the door but, it must be done. As I read this quote I always think of the early mornings I spend to prepare for a great season. As the well known book Once a Runner states, "Trials of Miles, Miles of Trials". Even though we may regret every step of the run that morning, and wish only to be back in bed, you must remember that every mile is a trial that you will have to overcome to have a great season. So now, every time you hear your alarm go off don't role over and slam the snooze or just plain turn it off. Instead repeat to yourself this quote and slip on your shoes and head out the door. Remember, every mile is a trial, and you must prepare to beat these trials early so that when your race comes, you can use that will to win properly.
Zac Wiemers
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