By far, in my personal opinion, the greatest advantage to being an active runner is the amount of calories your body burns. Plus, the amount of calories your body needs to function. In simpler terms, we runners can eat whatever we lay our eyes on, but still not see the difference in our weight. It's almost magical. It has become a routine of one of my team-ate (Ben Anderson) and I to drive to Krispy Kreme after we finish our longer runs. Our mission? To eat a dozen donuts as fast as possible. The great thing about that is you won't feel guilty! No matter how many I eat. I just keep thinking of all the miles i ran before and all guilt melts away like the donuts in my mouth. O, and don't let me forget about Zebra Cakes! Just one package and all the troubles of the world disappear. Yup, I believe almost every runner would agree that the greatest thing is being able eat up whatever is laid in front of you without counting the calories!
Zac Wiemers
email - zwiemo5@yahoo.com
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